Sarah Gibson Tuttle

Sarah Gibson Tuttle
“You have as many hours in the day as Beyonce.”

Where can we find you most days
In the salon; at @oliveandjune.

Favorite Quote
"You have as many hours in the day as Beyonce."

Last Purchase
Le Feu de L'eau Violet Candle

Biggest Indulgence
Monthly facial

Favorite Cocktail
Chamomile tea or white wine

Signature Scent
Chanel No. 5 L'Eau

Closet Staple (You Refuse To Part With) many jeans (and jean jackets)

Most Treasured Piece of Jewelry
My wedding ring

First Piece of Jewelry You Remember Getting As a Gift
Push pop candy ring

Go-To Nail Color
Tiramisu for Two by OPI

Secret L.A. Secret (You'll Share With Us)
The Universal Citywalk movie theater—rarely crowded and has recliner seats.

Currently On Your Mood Board
Our Saturday Sandals

Go-To Cause
Baby2Baby, which helps provide necessities (diapers, clothes, toys, books) to children and families in need.

Favorite vacation spot
Big Sur or Santa Barbara

Favorite weekend brunch
Dupars for pancakes with my family.

Favorite beauty product
Nail polish

Best part of your day
Seeing my daughter

How many pieces of jewelry do you usually wear at any given time (what are they?)
I love to stack my rings (with my AG Baguette Diamond Ring, obvi) and my bracelets—so 10ish.

Favorite curse word
The f word—bad habit from my trading desk days.

Typical coffee order
Lots of almond milk and just a little coffee

Can’t stop listening to
Pop music

On my nightstand
Diffuser + my phone

In my fridge, you will always find
Moon Juice